Team Performance Coaching 

Improving team performance through exploring the challenges and opportunities they face, building trust, improving communication, establishing shared goals, delivering on specific results and holding each other accountable. 

Team Performance Coaching 

Are these your Question? 
We are stuck in our own functional silos: how do we bring new life, energy and focus to our team? 
We are a new team; how do we get us off to a good ‘team’ start from the beginning before any bad habits set in? 
We are badly stuck in a dysfunctional cycle which is draining, how do we get out of this? 
How do we move from being a good team to a great team? 
How do we move from being a management to a leadership team? 
Team Performance Coaching is a hugely impactful process for a team to become a high performing team. 
The benefits you can expect to experience include: 
Improved in team dynamics: deeper levels on listening; better understanding and appreciation of the different contributions and style of each team member; 
higher levels of trust; able to have more challenging conversations; 
Improved impact of the team: breaks down silos; quicker, better, and shared responsibility for team decisions; more creative problem solving; delivery of strategy; higher levels of innovation; greater confidence and satisfaction among the team’s stakeholder; and delivering on team results. 
A Team Performance Coaching process has three phases 
Discovery and Assessment. Understanding where the team is currently at, the issues it is facing, and undertaking psychometric tests e.g. Belbin to understand the different styles and preferences within the team. 
Coaching Begins. A typical format would be monthly half day sessions for a 6 month period. Team coaching is a focused conversation to surface and explore the patterns, habits and assumptions that show up in team behaviours. The process is designed to create awareness of these patterns and design actions and processes to create new, more successful ways of team working. 
Measuring Impact. Harvesting the learning from the process, understanding how the team has progressed and identifying what further development the team needs. 

Leadership Coaching 

Providing leaders with a safe space to step back from their busyness to develop more impactful ways of working with people and situations. 

Group Coaching 

Bringing peers together so that they can share their experience, insights and learnings; explore alternative approaches to deal with the real challenges they face; recognise that meeting with people in similar roles, in similar situations, will strengthen each person’s capacity to work creatively and more resourcefully. 

Our Clients